What We Do

We carry out all civil and structural engineering functions and can assist with any construction project from planning through to building completion


We work closely with the client to formalise a plan to actualise their grand design

Structural Design

Implementing the design from overview down to the smallest detail so planners, building control, contractors and most of all the clients are clear on what can be achieved

Project management

Implementation of design through to completion to the full satisfaction of the client


Structural Reports

Surveys of existing buildings for perspective home buyers or home owners who are concerned about structural defects in their property,

New Build

Perspective commercial and residential projects require good planning to adhere to modern building standards and meet quality assurance standards.

Temporary Works

Stage by stage instruction on how to perfectly execute the proposed design in the tightest and most constrained environments such as basement construction below listed buildings.

Planning requirements

Advice on the best structural designs to maximise space and light but stay within tight Planning and Party Wall constraints. Examples include eccentric foundations and extra slim floor structure. Click the title to see the Waltham Forest planning guide for more information.

Home Extensions

From loft conversions to multi-story extensions we can take the client through he process from planning and party wall to project management.

Contractor Liaison

Smooth transfer of information between relevant parties to ensure the build is completed in the most efficient and expedient manor.

Drawing Preparation

Tailored to suit Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Engineering requirements and have every aspect covered before ground is broken.